Four years ago, Dante Valenzuela faced the challenges of being unhoused as a teenager. Today, he has found stability and hope through the Permanent Supportive Housing Voucher program. This transformation was made possible after his high school principal connected him to a local youth shelter. APS Title I then linked him to Serenity Mesa, where he received case management and a City-funded housing voucher.
Dante now resides in his own apartment and is pursuing a degree in Chemical Engineering at the University of New Mexico. He aspires to work at Intel. Reflecting on his journey, Dante stated, “I don’t think I would be where I am right now if it weren’t for the housing voucher.”
This week, Dante's story is being highlighted in a series focused on successful pathways to housing.
Serenity Mesa, located in Albuquerque’s South Valley, is one of ten Permanent Supportive Housing Voucher Providers in the city. It offers various recovery tools and resources under one roof. Kat Cole, Serenity Mesa's Housing and Navigation Director, praised Dante's progress: "Dante is an incredible young man and it has been a privilege to watch him grow."
Cole emphasized the significance of combining housing vouchers with strong support programs: “Funding for youth homelessness is vital... we are so grateful for APS Title I.” She credited their dedication with providing Dante the stability he needed.
Gilbert Ramirez, Health Housing and Homelessness Director, remarked on Dante’s achievements: “Dante’s story is a testament to his own hard work... what’s possible when you make housing vouchers available to strong community partners.”
Mayor Tim Keller also highlighted the impact of stable housing: “Opportunity can be as simple as housing—when we give people a stable home... they’re free to focus on taking those next steps to achieving their dreams.”
The City of Albuquerque will continue sharing stories that demonstrate diverse pathways to secure housing through its Gateway Network and other initiatives.