Douglas Ziedonis, MD, MPH, Executive Vice President for Health Sciences, CEO, UNM Health System | University Of New Mexico Health Sciences Center
Douglas Ziedonis, MD, MPH, Executive Vice President for Health Sciences, CEO, UNM Health System | University Of New Mexico Health Sciences Center
Health professionals are actively working to enhance health care delivery for Native American elders and those with limited access across the United States. As efforts continue, understanding how best to support community members remains crucial.
Elise Trott Jaramillo, PhD, an assistant professor at The University of New Mexico College of Population Health, specializes in community-based participatory research and public health disparities. Her studies focus on how age and gender influence health care access among Native American elders, revealing significant gaps in the current system alongside potential solutions.
“This research is designed to elucidate the complex multilevel factors that affect well-being and to enhance the substantial strengths of our communities here in New Mexico,” said Jaramillo.
Jaramillo's team conducted a concept mapping study involving participants from Native American communities in the Southwest. They examined factors like provider relationships and tribal policies affecting health experiences across different demographics. The study found that older women face challenges balancing personal health care needs with family responsibilities, transportation, and accessibility issues.
Men aged 55-64 often navigate health systems individually rather than establishing regular care relationships with providers. By comparing patient perspectives, the study highlighted demographic variations shaping access to medical services for Native Americans.
In 2021, Jaramillo published an analysis in Social Science and Medicine detailing the challenges faced by Native American elders within health care systems. In-depth interviews revealed uncertainty surrounding health care access due to chronic underfunding of Indian Health Services, bureaucratic complexities, and political instability.
Elders frequently expressed doubts about accessing reliable health care due to high provider turnover and confusing insurance systems. Jaramillo noted that systemic changes are needed beyond individual-level interventions to rebuild trust and secure collective health care rights for Native American communities.
A 2022 paper in Gerontology by Jaramillo described barriers such as funding shortages and administrative burdens within health care systems. Community resources were identified as aids for navigating these complexities.
Jaramillo’s findings come at a critical time as the Native American elder population grows rapidly. By 2030, those aged 65 or older are projected to increase by 139%, highlighting an urgent need for aging-related care solutions.
Potential solutions include community-based programs like health care navigators and cultural liaisons to bridge existing gaps. These programs would benefit older women needing transportation assistance and younger elders establishing regular healthcare relationships.
“There are substantial challenges ahead for the health and well-being of our communities,” Jaramillo said. “Research and intervention that promotes self-determination, justice and the strengths of communities will be an important piece of securing well-being for all of us.”