Central New Mexico Community College recently issued the following announcement.
Start Date: 10/13/2020
Start Time: 9:30 AM
End Date: 10/13/2020
End Time: 10:30 AM
This event recurs on a custom schedule.
Event Description:
Join us on Zoom every other Tuesday, from 9:30 a.m. to 10:30 a.m. Hang out with fellow LGBTQ2SIA+ students and allies for an informal, online social gathering. PJ’s, kids, pets and pandemonium are welcome! BYOC (bring your own coffee).
You can participate on a phone, tablet or computer by downloading the Zoom app. If you don’t want to download the app onto your device you can also participate by clicking the link below, which opens the Zoom meeting in a new browser window.
If your internet isn’t working you can still participate by calling the number provided below. If you get stuck, email Brian at brasmussen@cnm.edu.
Join Zoom Meeting: https://us02web.zoom.us/j/88426215289?pwd=U1puWFRhM0Nrc0dScXZFVkFpeXZTdz09
Meeting ID: 884 2621 5289
Passcode: CNM_QCats
One tap mobile +13462487799,,88426215289#,,,,,,0#,,264038957#
Original source can be found here.